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According to Graphic Designer

     Mirjana is an accomplished graphic designer, painter, and illustrator, fitting a unique niche for culturally specific design. She prides herself on art which shows visible effort and detail.Outstanding in multiple design disciplines (drawing, equipment design, typography and calligraphy, photography, illustrations, advertising graphic, media (broadcasting) design,...

     25 years of professional experience gained in applying graphic design in related but various fields of expertise such as: pure graphic design, advertising graphic design, media, architecture, interior design, professional photography, electronic media,...

     “During my studiousness Art subject matter I take my graphic design work to personal and tried to incorporate as much as possible when I’ve worked on a jobs development or a personal main. The whole study analyses were accompanied with munificent practical manual labor and only in purpose for unification practical and theoretical knowledge through many years...

     I do pay a very much of my attention to draw attention of the public on esthetic component of the message sent, to send a right massage to the right place, which is actually a massage that has to initiate foreseen response. All elements which connected and interlinked, uniquely compound should born a massage.

     I believe art is a gateway, the place where energy, colors, forms, matter and space are connected. I strongly believe in creative thinking and feel that design can be fanatic often and complicated which on the other side keeps the basis for creative experiments. Art isn't about communication. It's about the search for significance and control in a world of anonymity and chaos.

     Thanks to art, and a specific medium, I can give a shape to my visions full of secret language, signs and elements, abstract forms, mystery characters … By undermining expectations, our attention focuses on the experience of perceiving. The work celebrates the visual world and gives evidence to the unique nature of our experiences.

     For me, art is something that appeals to our mind and emotions, and not to our understanding and instincts. There's no need to search for symbols in my artworks. A symbol represents a simple message which is addressed to reason. My artworks are the reflection of emotions and my art language is the language of intuitive characters and metaphors. The development and realization of art in public is a dialogue with a place and its time – land and substance, its past, its people, the future they create – made new, immediate, and somehow timeless.

     I strongly believe in creative thinking and feel that design can be fanatic often and complicated which on the other side keeps the basis for creative experiments. I know that I always desire more than I accomplish at the moment, but the art is never ending story,... abounded unfortunately yes!"

Artist's Statement



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